How To Develop a Greek God Physique As A Young Teenager (Aesthetic Body Guide For Beginners)
First things first, I know you might think that working out is the most important part of building an aesthetic physique and it is equally important, but let’s cover diet first because it’s where so many young men go wrong & it’s where I went wrong.
Simply put, if your diet is messed up and you have the wrong diet, you’re not going to see any progress in the gym, and if your diet is terrible, at what cost are you building an aesthetic physique? You might be big, but you’re gonna have pimples, it’ll look like a cyclone hit your face & you’ll feel like trash because your diet is bad.
So for diet to simply put it, if you eat more calories than you burn then you will put on weight, and if you eat fewer calories than you burn you’ll lose weight.
So if you want to put on a slight amount of muscle mass, without looking like a chubby bastard, then you should stay in a slight caloric surplus of around 200 calories.
What’s the best way to calculate your calories? You CAN wake up every day and eat something different because your life & mood is controlled by the food you eat. Or you can do it way easier and eat the same foods every single day for the foreseeable future like I’ve done for the last few years.
So that way you only have to calculate what foods you eat once, and you can eat the same foods every single day, and if you want to gain muscle, all you have to do is make a small change to your diet and eat 100–200 calories on top of what you’re already eating, until you stagnate, and after that you can add another slight surplus of 100–200 calories, etc.
Cardio helps with eating, I don’t care what any of these big bodybuilders say, most of these guys aren’t even healthy anyway, they’ll drink 3 cans of coca-cola a day, and consume 5 pizzas, I don’t care. Do cardio, whether it’s a walk, a run, you go out & play football or you do martial arts, I don’t care, do cardio, because improving your cardiovascular is important, you’ll feel way better after some cardio, and you’re going to want to eat more food after even doing a little bit of cardio.
Also eat foods that satiate your hunger, if you don’t and eat fast foods & processed garbage, once you decide to stop your bulk and cut down a bit, you’re probably going to still crave the bad food, and it’s going to make it difficult for you to cut down those extra few kilos because you’ll still want to eat.
The advice that I’m teaching you right now, is the most practical from my experience, I’ve bulked up and looked like a fat lump turd and weighed 90kg before, and I had to cut down 10–12 kg, it doesn’t feel good. You get sick of eating, you feel lethargic all the time and your whole life revolves around eating food, trust me it’s not fun.
So focus on gaining weight slowly overtime, because you’re going to reach your goal in practically the same amount of time. The only difference is you’re going to save yourself from feeling terrible and you can still enjoy the foods you eat.
Also avoid alcohol and fast foods, this is where discipline plays a huge role, because as tempting as it is to go to the club and pull birds with your biceps popping out of your t-shirt, without avoiding certain foods, like fast foods and alcohol, you’ll probably forever have a lean gut.
Now if you wanna ignore my diet advice that’s fine, but just know if you don’t prioritize your diet you’re going to struggle to see any progress.
Working Out:
Let’s discuss training for aesthetics vs training for strength.
If you want to train for aesthetics, it’s really simple, so let’s not overcomplicate it like the rest of these clowns that tell you 1 million different things. If you want to train for aesthetics, focus on lifting for reps of 8–12. You can do more, but let’s just stick to that range.
If you’re going for one rep maxxes, use it to help you get your reps up. So hit 4 sets of 12, or 3 sets of 12, and do your last set on a weight where you can only get 1–3 reps in until you hit failure, that way you can slowly increase the weight you lift and see growth in your muscles, instead of only training high weight for a few reps.
So focus more on using a weight where you can get 8–12 reps, to see growth
Now there is no one size fits all for working out, some people have better genetics and some people have terrible genetics.
But what I can tell you are the most aesthetic muscle groups in order, they are;
- 1. Shoulders
- 2. Arms
- 3. Neck
- 4. Abs
- 5. Chest, Back, Traps
- 6. Legs
Just because I’ve listed these muscle groups from the most aesthetic to the least aesthetic, doesn’t mean you should ignore all of the lower muscles.
This is not an excuse to miss leg day, some of these bodybuilders are out here looking like jacked spongebob and it’s really sad to see. So still focus on building a well rounded physique.
And in terms of an actual workout plan, figure it out for yourself depending on what you want to develop, I’ve tried practically everything, and what worked for me just depended on what point of my life I was in, how much time & how many days of the week I was willing to go & spend in the gym.
But if you want a more in depth guide I’ll leave a link to the workout guide I created, it’ll have everything from, workout splits I’ve tried to diet, to sleep and even more, and I go really into depth with it, and it will save you a lot of time & help you avoid mistakes.
And finally sleep, your diet is on point, your workouts are on point, but you don’t see much progress in the gym, why is that?
Well, it’s sleep, sleep is extremely important, and it also varies from person to person, for me I know that as long as I have 7 hours of sleep I can function properly, and I don’t need to drink coffee, but for you, you might need 8 hours of sleep and you might still feel like you need to drink coffee.
And a big factor for why you wake up feeling terrible might be due to some of these reasons also;
- Eating foods that cause inflammation will make you feel like trash in the morning, because your body doesn’t recover properly, so in that case cut back on foods that cause inflammation, foods like deep fried food, and you can do more research on it. So eat foods with anti-inflammatory properties.
- Also eating too close to bedtime will mess you up too, so eat 3 hours before bed, don’t eat any closer than that, otherwise your sleep won’t be as effective as it could be. That’s why I eat my foods in an eating window of 6–8 hours, usually during the times between 11am to 7pm, after that I don’t eat. So find whatever window of time will work for you and stick to it.
As well as all of the advice I’ve said, stay hydrated, listen to your body, and don’t forget to incorporate recovery days into your routine. Rest is just as important as exercise
Finally, if you want to become even more aesthetic, I’ll link my “ Full Aesthetic Body Guide” below.
Aesthetic Body Guide: